Ocean Horizons Site

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Uncharted Waters: New Horizons(UWNH) is also known as Daikoukai Jidai II in Japanese,firstly released in 1994(has 3 versions, SNES, SEGA and PC),with a superb graphics which is utterly unacceptable for you modern peeps who are accustomed to state-of-art 3D graphics.
The game has greater focus on world exploration and trading,and some roleplaying elements such as character attributes(sword,luck,intuition etc) development and mates hiring,these features give UWNH great replayability and a timeless classic in this genre.

Ocean Horizons(projectoh) is an futile attemp to create an open source,crossplatform game inspired by UWNH's gameplay,it will utilize excellent open source libs to create a game with upgraded graphics,multiplay capacity and improved gameplay.

Disclaimer:this project/site is not affiliated with UWNH or its copyright owner Koei
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